How to Maintain a Social Life When Youre Quitting Drinking

This is something you can do solo or with friends (even virtually!), and what you make is up to you. Giving yourself something to do with your hands is a helpful deterrent for habitual sipping. Call your parent or grandparent, cousin, aunt, nephew—you get it. Get in touch with your family (chosen family works too!), and ask them how they’re feeling right now. It makes everyday local errands much more fun and fruitful, plus it’ll cut down on your gas usage. Or, make something new by picking up a stress-relieving fiber-based art—whether that’s sewing your own clothes, crocheting, embroidery or otherwise.

I am sober and hanging out with drinkers

Everyone has their own choice to make, and no explanation is needed. Of course, you know your friend better than we do. If you believe your friend will feel comfortable discussing their recovery, ask. If not, simply understand that they are in recovery, and treat them with respect and consideration. Finally, I detect anxiety in your decision about your effect on others. Contrary to many self-help affirmations (such as “I don’t need anyone’s approval”), most of us do care—at least a little—about how others perceive us.

Addiction Destroys Dreams, We Can Help

And even if your friendships do change in a way that you don’t like, don’t despair. You might be able to create a new circle of friends, or simply decide to hang out with your old pals in different locations and times when alcohol isn’t the main focus. Over time, addiction changes the brain and causes cravings.

The truth is that figuring out your normal isn’t easy. But it’s better than drinking to fit in and risking your recovery. Others aren’t always going to understand, but your recovery and healing are important. It gets to the point where you start to feel more confident about putting yourself into what you might call a challenging situation. You need to have control over when the time is right for you to leave. It’s not going to work if you stop drinking and you think you can cocoon yourself away from the real world and protect yourself from all of the alcohol out there.

Have an Honest Talk With Your Friends

It may help to pick a quit date, or a day when you choose to discontinue use of alcohol or drugs. It’s also helpful to change your environment—for instance, avoid going to bars. There are also resources such as 12-step groups and recovery groups.

Many 12-step programs suggest that sobriety means total abstinence—never using the substance ever again. This article discusses what sobriety means and describes strategies that can support your long-term recovery. It also covers tips on how to deal with the challenges you’ll face on your journey being sober around drinkers to sobriety. “I remember my therapist asking me what I did to have fun. I told her that I have fun writing about recovery and I liked yoga. She stopped me and asked me directly if that was fun, or if I was describing what gave me a sense of purposefulness or relaxation,” explains Lauren.

I celebrated 3 months of sobriety with an all-inclusive vacation. I fell off the wagon​ when I got home, but I’m trying again.

It is OK to have good memories, to care about and even to love a person, appreciating the part they played in your past, while knowing they may not fit into your present. It is also OK to take a break from a person whose presence may be too large a trigger for relapse, while maintaining hope that you will reconnect again in the future. If your friends drink too much while you’re struggling with staying sober, know you’re not alone. At Gateway Foundation, we take the time to understand the triggers keeping you from staying sober.

Tom Holland Opens Up About Alcohol Addiction – BuzzFeed News

Tom Holland Opens Up About Alcohol Addiction.

Posted: Tue, 11 Jul 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]